Open call: Advancing the safety assessment of chemicals without the use of animal testing
open EU call
Deadline 07.April 2020, funding 10-20 Mio €
The challenge
The reliability and relevance of animal studies to support chemical safety assessment are subject to increasing scrutiny from a scientific perspective and raises broader societal concerns. To address these challenges, the European Commission has been supporting the development and application of animal-free approaches to toxicological profiling of chemicals in support of chemical safety assessment. However, significant challenges remain regarding the provision of viable animal-free solutions to address systemic health effects in humans potentially linked to chronic exposure to chemicals across a variety of regulated sectors. Consequently, further efforts are needed to progress on the development, validation and translation of scientifically sound methods that not only decrease the reliance on animal testing but which also deliver more relevant, reliable and cost-effective means to facilitate decision-making to support regulation, innovation and competitiveness.
open call for proposals >> here