eBRAIN-Health started

€ 13Mill by Horizon Europe

eBRAIN-Health - Actionable Multilevel Health Data
Coordinated by Prof. Petra Ritter, CHARITE, project management by tp21.
Duration: 4 years, starting 1 July 2022 - Total funding: approximately € 13 million.


The project aims to develop a decentralized, data protection-compliant research platform capable of simulating some of the brain’s complex neurobiological phenomena. As part of the project, researchers will collate an array of different types of information, including data from PET and MRI scans, EEG tests, behavioral studies and lifestyle surveys, as well as clinical data from thousands of patients and healthy controls. These will be combined with biological information from knowledge databases and made available for research purposes. The resultant digital ‘brain twins’ will enable large numbers of researchers to conduct innovative research within a powerful digital infrastructure.

Thanks to its transparent analytical pipelines, the new research infrastructure will also help to promote reproducible research.

Furthermore, complex, personalized brain simulations which take into account large quantities of data may be able to provide a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying brain function and disorders. Virtual brain modeling may also improve diagnostics and disease prediction, in addition to enabling the optimization of treatment plans. The project consortium comprises 20 partners and operates in cooperation with EBRAINS AISBL, the coordinating entity of the EU-funded flagship ‘Human Brain Project’.

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