Our Services


Management of EU-projects

You are planning an EU project under Horizon Europe ? Do not hesitate to contact us.


The successful management of interdisciplinary projects requires:

  • Profound experience with European project requirements
  • Adequate structuring and scaling of the project
  • Suitable progress and risk monitoring measures
  • Excellent communication and integration skills
  • Outstanding organizing abilities
  • Comprehensive innovation management

tp21 offers the following support:

During application phase

  • Support in project concept development, shaping and structuring the project
  • Finance planning with the partners, overall finance plan
  • Elaboration of the management strategy, contribution to the dissemination & exploitation strategy
  • Supporting WP table structuring and coherence: tasks, deliverables, milestones, risks, Gantt
  • Coaching and support of the entire application process

During contract preparation phase

  • Elaboration of the DoA basing on the application
  • Coaching all communication with the European Commission
  • Coaching partners' validation process and financial viability checks
  • Set up of a draft Consortium Agreement acc. to the DESCA model, coordinating the agreement and signature process

During project implementation

  • Set up of the budget release plan
  • Day-to-day management during the project implementation, central office
  • Project logo and corporate identity development
  • Progress monitoring
  • Setup and running of a public project website, social media accounts and a restricted project management platform
  • Organization of events, meetings, training workshops
  • Management of all reporting duties (periodic reports, deliverable reports)
  • Conflict management, call for new partners, partner replacements, task/budget shifts
  • Preparation of possible contract amendments
  • Supporting exploitation activities, IPR workshops, dissemination and exploitation plans
  • Implementing dissemination activities
  • Supporting internal boards e.g. in stakeholder relation, translation, data management plan set-up

Project management by tp21 allows researchers, clinicians and companies to concentrate on their core interest and business and to benefit from tp21's longstanding experience as EU-project manager, evaluator and PTA.

tp21's staff has scientific, medical, and engineering background with a long-standing experience in research management and technology transfer support.

For references see our project page.


EU Training Networks

tp21 offers set-up and maintenance of public and restricted web-based platforms

  • to enable public information on the state of the art in a special RTD field
  • to support joint training and communication within a PhD program
  • to provide a restricted platform to share documents and knowledge for RTD consortia.

These platforms offers

  • Document repository, contractual information, meetings' presentations
  • Individual work spaces to organize the collaboration and to share information
  • Personal areas for education & credits follow-up
  • Communication areas for journal clubs
  • Supervision of training program implementation by teachers
  • Calendar of events and courses
  • Up-to date contact information
  • Areas & functionalities on request

These platforms are suitable tools to coordinate programs such as

  • H2020 and HORIZON Europe collaborative projects
  • Marie Curie Actions
  • International PhD programs
  • Cluster & Network coordination
  • Any individual program

tp21 offers business and exploitation related workshops

For references see our project page.

Just contact tp21 to discuss your project.